The Satisfaz Mineral Water Company, authorized for the extraction and bottling of mineral water, has a source of hypothermal mineral water that flows at a rate of 127,000 liters per hour. This source, therefore, is appropriate for exportation, for its large flow and quality. In order to fufil its potential, the company, located in the city of Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil, is for sale.
The exports logistics may be simplified to three main steps: the road transport from the industry to the railroad station, the rail transport to the Port of Itaqui and the maritime transport to its final destination.
The source's flow rate is 127,000 liters per hour, a rate that is high enough to fufil its export role, having 3 work shifts around the clock for its maximum efficiency. This is a high flow source with a high potential for production.
The physical structure (industrial sheds) hasn't been constructed, but it can be built, within a period of 4 months for the operation of the industry, with 3 months referring to the construction of the physical structure and 1 month for the installation of the equipment.
All research and mining work was completed and approved by the competent bodies, with the publication of the mining concession in Ordinance No. 353, dated October 6, 2016, and published in the Union's Official Gazette No. 195, October 10, 2016.
We have L.I. (Installation License) and all projects have been made and approved, within the operating project.
Water Composition
Water is life, Mineral Water Satifies.
It presents a significant content of carbonic gas, used to gasify drinks, acquiring softness and lightness.
The company Aqualit establishes the procedures and responsibilities related to the control and surveillance of the quality of water for human consumption and its standard of potability.